Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Skeletons In The Closet

My daughter did All-star cheer a few years ago. She was on a co-ed team with three other guys, two that had very strong egos and one who was very shy. The two boys who had the strong egos treated my daughter good, they all did, like a sister, and called me mom all the time.  Well, after a lot of drama (from the coaches) and poor coaching we decided to try high school cheer. She tried to keep in touch with her old team and was successful to a point. Last week though, we received news that one of the boys she cheered with, who had been to my house, driven my daughter and friends around and called me mom, was arrested on probable cause for FOUR counts of Rape 2. After his first hearing it was changed to 1 count of Rape 2, 3 counts of Rape 3 and 1 count of Rape 3 of a Child. Needless to say my daughter and I are reeling from this information. She insists that he never tried anything with her, was always kind and treated her good, like a sister. What could make a person do this? My mom said it's like Ted Bundy, no one thought, in a million years, that he was capable of doing what he did but he had a specific type. I'm just glad that my daughter wasn't one of his victims. Heaven help him if he had laid a hand on her...

Friday, January 25, 2019

Do As I Say...

How do you feel about name calling and bullying? Working at an elementary school I come across it often and this is the age when we work on teaching children that it's not okay to do. But what do you do when it's an adult doing the name calling and/or bullying, someone in the public's eye? How do you then enforce with young ones that this behavior is not okay? It ends up being, "Do as I say, not what THEY do". How do you explain that the person your child looks up to or even someone you admire is wrong in their actions or behaviors? This is becoming more common with all the access to social media and the disconnect between what is written on a screen vs. what is said face to face.

Skeletons In The Closet

My daughter did All-star cheer a few years ago. She was on a co-ed team with three other guys, two that had very strong egos and one who was...